Thursday Evening Sequence Class & Social
8.00pm Sequence class.
9.00pm Social evening
Reeders Dance Studio, 38D Holme Slack Lane, Preston, PR1 6EY
Suitable for beginners and intermediate levels. Singles and couples welcome.
Sequence dances have been popular for many years. They cover a wide range of rhythms in Old Time & Modern dances. Couples dance 16 bars of a repeatable routine at the same time as each other.
Examples include Rumba One, Mayfair Quickstep, Saunter Together. Dancers are finding that many socials have a percentage of Sequence dances and therefore feel the need to learn how to dance some of them. This is the class that will help. We teach the most popular sequence dances played at our events and other venues in the North West. After the class we have an hours practice session. This gives an opportunity to practice and therefore reinforce all the dances that have been taught.
Join teachers Marie & Bill at our Preston Studio Thursday evening.